Dedicated to Leadership for Good
If you know me, you know that I care deeply about leadership. It's why I earned a master's degree in strategic leadership. One day, like a massive spring time rain drop, a thought splattered across my brain. All I seem to think about is promoting ethical leadership in everything I do. Simply put, I am dedicated to leadership for good.
It's not just about ethical leadership, it's about creating ethical leaders for the future of the world that we live in. Ethical leaders inspire trust, foster positive cultures, and build a foundation for sustainable community progress. Ethical leaders are also authentic, and people want to work with others who stand for something bigger than themselves or the bottom line. And contrary to the popular perception of marketing as cheap promotional tactics, the most respected brands help us see beyond cool designs and catchy tag lines.
Here's how leadership for good translates into my work:
Brand Strategy Consulting: Ethics is the cornerstone of every brand strategy I develop whether it is with an organization or personal branding. We'll create narratives that resonate with your values and build trust with your audience.
Professional Speaking: My talks motivate and dive deeper into topics like the leader-follower relationship, followership, personal leadership, career preparation, personal branding, philanthropy, and fraternity and sorority leadership especially among the Divine Nine.
Podcasting and Radio Broadcasting: Whether it's one of my podcasts or one of my radio guest spots, I delve into conversations that help propel listeners' lives while exploring the complexities of our lives and our world.

What's on my mind? Here are the core interests that are woven into leadership for good:
Personal Leadership: I discuss how people can lead others by leading themselves while using personal growth and development to grow a great personal brand.
The Leader-Follower Relationship: We will continue to explore the quality of the exchanges between leaders and followers, which is essential to organizational and community growth.
Followership: It's about more than following. This is a leadership area that I'll continue to leverage to motivate and inspire those who don't have the sexy titles.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB): Creating teams and organizations that reflect the world around us is crucial. This is where I see the importance of how identity and value matter to ensure that everyone's views and talents contribute to the success of communities.
Student Leadership: The future of ethical leadership starts now. I'll continue to be an advocate for student leadership development through my partnership with Greek University.
I'm so excited about this season of my life. Join me on social media (links below), my podcasts, on the air, and on this blog. Also, connect with me for a free brand strategy consultation or to bring me to your conference, company retreat, special event, or college campus. Let's build a world driven by ethical leadership.
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